11th Congress
Sustainability Management for Industries (SMI)
"Sustainable Transformation in Times of Crisis"
30 Sept 2025
The 11th Congress "Sustainability Management for Industries" (SMI) is dedicated to the overarching topic of "Sustainable Transformation in Times of Crisis". In economically challenging times, new corporate strategies are indispensable for managing the European "Green and Digital Transition". In the course of the transformation of the economic systems, various opportunities and possibilities, but also challenges and risks, will arise that require innovative ideas and approaches to create sustainable corporate value added. All actors from business and science are called upon to take these opportunities and challenges seriously in order to discuss economically viable solutions and to implement them successfully.
As an interdisciplinary discussion platform, the SMI congress series promotes the exchange of knowledge on the topics of sustainability and energy transformation among scientists and practitioners. Accordingly, previous participants have been able to benefit from innovative and implementation-oriented ideas. The SMI congress aims at executives of future-oriented organizations as well as employees and scientists from the fields of energy, environmental, innovation and sustainability management.
We cordially invite you to our CALL FOR PAPERS on the following topics!
- Value creation through sustainability
- Green and Digital Transition
- Greenhouse gas accounting
- Strategies and instruments for managing the sustainable transformation
- Betriebliches Energiemanagement
- Nachhaltige Liefer- und Wertschöpfungsketten
- Konzepte & Instrumente für ein ganzheitliches Life Cycle Assessment
- Betriebliche Klimaneutralität
We kindly request that you send us the title of your conference paper, a short abstract (approx. 150 words / a template for the abstract is available on the homepage) and your contact address. The abstract should provide an overview of the content, methodology and results. Contributions received by us will be evaluated according to their relevance and timeliness in relation to the mentioned topics. Please send your contributions to gerald.feichtinger@unileoben.ac.at.
Conference Proceedings and Participation for Speakers
Your contributions (8-12 pages) will be published in a conference volume. After acceptance of your contribution, we will send you the corresponding format template. Conference participation including the conference pro-ceedings is free of charge for speakers. However, we kindly ask for your understanding that we cannot cover travel or accommodation costs.
- 17 March Deadline for submission of paper title and abstract
- 07 April Feedback on acceptance of the contribution
- 31 May Submission of the manuscripts / contributions
- 30 Sept Conference date & Publication of conference proceedings
Wolfgang Posch
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont.
Chair of Economic and
Business Management
Montan University Leoben
![[Translate to English:] Wirtschafts- und Betriebswissenschaften](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/e/csm_logo_WBW23_de82aa32db.png)
Stefan Vorbach
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.
Institute for Corporate
Management and Organization
University of Technology Graz
- Date | Tuesday, September 30, 2025
- Location | Montan University Leoben - AULA, Franz Josef Straße 18, A-8700 Leoben
- Conference contribution
- EUR 350,- Normal Price
- EUR 50,- Students
- Free Participation for Speakers/Presenters
- EUR 200,- Second Authors
The fee (VAT-free) includes the conference proceedings (electronic copy for students), a buffet lunch, snacks during breaks and drinks. Accommodation is not included in the fee. We kindly ask you to make your own room reservation.
Accommodation options in Leoben
- https://www.asiaspa.at
- https://www.kindler.at
- https://www.hotelkongress.at
- https://www.bruecklwirt.co.at (slightly outside - car required)
via train/ÖBB: train station approx. 5 minutes walk from the venue
by car: ÖBB parking garage directly at the train station or underground parking garage at Hauptplatz Leoben; both a few minutes walk away, for a fee