Important general information
- Office hours
- The secretary's office is available daily from 9-11 a.m. for student matters.
- Library
- The use of books from the WBW library is only possible on-site.
- Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 09.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00.
- Examinations
- In the case of multi-part examinations, every single part must be passed positively.
- The following writing materials may NOT be used in written examinations: Fountain pen, pencil, colours red or orange.
- The examination material is valid for the current semester.
- Only pocket calculators with limited functionality are permitted as aids; the Service Center of the ÖH Leoben offers the free "pocket calculator sticker" in this context. Please take note of this regulation and request the sticker for your calculator on time. Other electronic aids (cell phone, smartwatch, ...) and the use of correction varnish ("Tipp-Ex") are also not permitted.
Bachelor's and Master's theses
Registration for Bachelor's and Master's theses allows you to choose one of the topics offered or submit your own proposal.
S / E / Q / L Junior
In cooperation with TÜV Austria, the WBW allows students to complete additional training as part of their studies. This additional qualification can be completed in the areas of quality management (Q), energy management (E), sustainability (S), and logistics (L).
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