Energy Manager Junior
Since 2014, the Chair of WBW, in cooperation with TÜV Austria, has been offering students the opportunity to train as Junior Energy Managers as part of their studies.
Savings of around EUR 4,900 for comparable training courses!
Only the costs for the certificate are EUR 170, excl
Conversion into a certificate for the Certified Energy Manager after two years of practical experience is possible!
Requirements for certification
- Positive completion of the following courses
- 600.021 Cost Accounting and Investment Calculation
(Equivalence 600.028 General Business Administration I) - 600.081 Business Administration Essentials
(Equivalence 600.025 Industrial Management and Business Administration) - 600.078 Project Management
(Equivalence 600.067 Project Management) - 601.004 Process Management I: Basics and Methods
- 600.099 Energy Management and Markets
(Equivalence 600.009 Energy Market and Industrial Management) - 600.013 Energy Law
- 600.083 Management Systems
(Equivalence 600.123 Energy management systems) - 540.011 Thermal power engineering
- 580.019 Technical energy management
- 540.005 Energy efficiency of thermal and mechanical plants
- 500.101 Applied Data Acquistion and Visualisation
(Equivalence 500.101 Applied measurement and control technology with exercise)
- 600.021 Cost Accounting and Investment Calculation
- Writing a thesis
Writing a thesis related to energy management - IMPORTANT: Arrange an initial consultation with [ Mr. Daniel Mark ] before starting work! - Taking the TÜV Austria multiple-choice test
EM Junior Graduates
HOLZER, Alexandra
Projectwork "Wirtschaftlichkeitsabschätzung eines pyrometallurgischen Verfahrens zur Wertmetallrückgewinnung aus Lithium-Ionen-Batterien"
Projectwork"Green IT"
Projectwork "Integrated Energy Management on Production Level Exemplified by the Mechanical Production BMW Group Plant Steyr"
Master's thesis "Holistic modeling of grid-based energy systems with exergetic assessment"
Master's thesis "Possibilities for the use of low-temperature waste heat in the energy-intensive industry: a case study on shrimp farming"
SCHMID, Bernhard
Master's thesis "Exergetisch hochwertige Nutzung von Klärschlamm"
SCHNEDL, Christian
Master's thesis "Verbrennungstechnische Optimierung vom Kohlekessel K11"
KNÖTTNER, Alexander
Master's thesis "Maximierung des Autarkiegrades bei stromerzeugenden Heizungen"

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